
An Act Of Rememberance This Memorial Day

Memorial Day is upon us. A day in which we honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice defending our great nation. It’s a time when families and friends gather to cook out, an extra day of rest from the normal work week, and the kick off to the summer season. A holiday we have celebrated in our great country for nearly 140 years.

This Memorial Day weekend though, lets take time to remember what the holiday is about, and those who do not have the luxury of the get together’s the rest of us will. Let’s reflect upon those 1657 (as of May 30, 2005 10:00 am est) who did give the ultimate sacrifice in Iraq and the ten’s of thousands of troops who are still there fighting to this day, with no end in sight.

Now I am not saying to have disregard for the memories of other fallen soldiers from previous wars. They also are entitled to the remembrance by the citizens of our great country. The difference however is the fact that they were fighting actual wars for our great country. Those 1657 that gave the ultimate sacrifice did so in a war based upon falsified data and scare tactics used to get the support needed to launch a war. Those 1657 that have died, did so because of lies and a personal agenda that was being adhered to by the President of the United States and his cronies.

May 1, 2005. The Sunday Times in Britain released the now infamous Downing Street Memo. This memo, distributed to top british military and government officials, stated in July 2002 that the United states had plans to pursue a war in Iraq. The memo actually was a view into the near future, saying that:

Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy. The NSC had no patience with the UN route, and no enthusiasm for publishing material on the Iraqi regime’s record.

This was followed in the months ahead by numerous meetings with the UN security council, including the not so persuasive presentation given by Colin Powell on Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction program, and a state of the union address by President Bush in which he focused primarily on the iraq regime and removing them from power.

When 89 members of the United States Congress asked President Bush about this memo, they got less then a favorable response. As matter of fact they got no response. In fact they got no response. When Scott Mclellan was asked in a White House press briefing about this memo, the media did get a response: “there is no need to reply”.

Should our President be allowed to ignore simple requests made by other elected representatives in this country. This is just another example of the decrease in checks and balances our country has instituted over its short history, in order to keep our government in control. It is no shock considering the comments of other high political figures in recent headlines, such as, Tom Delay’s comments about radical liberal judges not being allowed to make their rulings because they have a different view than he does.

IntoxiNation, a site about a country drunk on its own power. This could never be more true than with this incident. During the Clinton years, our congress had to conduct a full investigation, and vote for impeachment over the President lying under oath. Now the constitution does state that committing a crime while in office is an impeachable offense, it should be no more impeachable than lying to a country and its elected represantives, along with the rest of the war, in order to wage a war in a country that was not a risk to our own defense. As matter of fact, President Clinton’s lie only caused some embarrassment amongst him and a few select others. President Bush’s lie has cost out country millions, cost the life of 1657 US soldiers, and cost the life of countless Iraqi’s. Not only has it done that, but it also has destroyed our nation’s image in the world. We are not looked at as a free democracy, but more as a growing empire trying to dominate the world. While President Clinton was “having relations” with an intern, our country was viewed in the highest regards and respected by the rest of the world. Our economy was doing great, and we were not at war. How did he get thanked for that great service, by a vote of impeachment.

So this Memorial day weekend, lets reflect upon those 1657 brave souls who gave the ultimate sacrifice in a war based upon lies. Lets honor them, and give them respect. They were only doing their job. What they though was right; Fighting for and defending our great nation. I feel there is no better way to thank them for what they have done then to let the justice of our great nation go to work. Let the people take back our country. It is time that Americans stand up and be heard. These soldiers died for something they believed in. They went to war for a lie. Let their souls rest by bringing justice to the one who put them in harms way. Remember them by signing one of the petitions below to either force President Bush to answer for his lies, or be removed from office. They gave their life, now it’s time for us to give a few minutes of our time to help bring to surface the truth of why they were there in the first place!

Rep. John Conyers (d-michigan) was one of the 89 members of congress to ask President Bush about the Downing Street memo. Please sign his letter below, that he will personally be delivering to the White House, in order to try and hold President Bush accountable for the war in Iraq.


Paul Craig Roberts, a former Treasury Official under Reagan and now a senior fellow at the Hoover Institute, wrote an inspiring letter on May 18, 2005 He is now asking for the impeachment of President Bush, a step harsher than what Rep. Conyers is asking, but still a step that is necessary. Please join me, and Mr. Roberts in signing the petitions below to start impeachment hearings on our President


These actions, while they may seem small, could lead to saving our countries great name and restoring it’s position in the world. It will also act as a great remembrance for those 1657 who gave the ultimate sacrifice in Iraq.

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