
Hold Bush Accountable!!!

If you haven’t heard yet, more documents have surfaced supporting the
allegations that George Bush:

Instead of going into great detail about this, I would like to send you over
to the fine people at
Raw Story where they have an excellent timeline put
together supporting all this evidence. I was planning on doing the same, but
after seeing their hard work on it and it’s accuracy I decided not to do one of
my own, but rather let them take full credit for it.

The new documents just obtained, which can be viewed at
, are official British government documents
supporting the plans to invade Iraq and also the lack of planning for how to
handle post war Iraq. The documents also point out the fact that the invasion
was considered illegal and that intelligence would have to be “fixed” in order
to gain international support.

This is just more proof that George Bush and his administration are war
criminals, and need to be tried as such. Not only did he attack a country that
was not planning on attacking us or any other nations, he opened Iraq up to more
terrorists, thereby doing the exact opposite. That’s right – we are in more
danger today than we were prior to March 2003.

The war in Iraq has taken the focus away from catching Bin Laden, the person
responsible for September 11. It has also drained money from our economy that
could have been better spent on such items as: port security, airline security,
and over all homeland security. Polls show people do not feel safer since this
war and that is a harsh reality.

We have chemical and nuclear facilities landscaping this country that are not
secure. We have sea ports that boats can easily sail into and not be searched.
Cargo on airplanes still goes unchecked. All this is perfect openings for
another terrorist attack on the U.S. and George Bush has ignored them. Much the
same he ignored the intelligence prior to 9/11 that said “Bin Laden determined
to attack United States”.

I have said this before and I will say it again. George Bush ignored
intelligence of Bin Laden wanting to attack us and it cost 3,000 lives on 9/11.
He listened to false intelligence about Saddam and acted on it which in turn
cost 1700 plus American lives and tens of thousands of others.

Friends, this is an incredibly dark time in our history. A nation that is
suppose to be a democracy and leader in the world is rapidly becoming an empire.
History has shown us that empires do not last and end up falling. The British
was an empire at one time, as well as the Romans and Greeks. None of them exist
as empires anymore and there was bloody falls to each of them. We can not allow
this to happen to our children our grandchildren. George Bush and his pact of
war criminals need stopped and they need stopped now. Better to have a small
black smudge upon American history than a big gapping black hole!

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