
Is America Fed Up?

Have Americans gotten tired of the lies involving Iraq?
In a poll released yesterday by the Washington Post and ABC news, support for
the war in Iraq
is at an all time low and so are the President’s approval ratings.

Bush’s approval rating has dropped to 52%, and the
Republican parties has dropped to an astonishing 41%. This should send an
alarming message to the Republican leaders that their party is finally being seen
for what they are – a bunch of showboating idealists who promote their own
personal agenda.

The real slap to the Republican Party should be the fact the
John McCain, the Senator that the Republicans seem to oppose more and more, had
a high approval rating – 57% to be exact. This should show that people are
starting to get fed up with the radical right movements in Congress.

Now onto Iraq.
When asked if they thought Iraq
was worth going to war over, an alarming 58% said no. 73% of those people also
believe the number of U.S. military deaths in Iraq is unacceptable, and 65%
believe the U.S. has now gotten bogged down with the war in Iraq.

So again I ask, Have Americans gotten tired of the lies involving
Iraq. Judging
by this poll, I would have to say yes. One question I would have liked to seen
asked would be: Do you feel the Downing Street Memo merits enough fact for a
Congressional inquiry into the matter? True if that question would have been asked
then the pollsters would be coined as “Liberal Media” by the hateful celebrities
such as Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity.

This poll holds a bunch of interesting information and is
worth looking into. It also compares current results to past results, which
helps give a larger picture to the decline in popularity the President and
Republicans are facing. If you would
like to read it then click here.

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