
Publication of Political Smear


“The Truth about Hillary” Nothing could be further from the Truth. This latest book by author Ed Klein reeks of a political smear machine working in full gear for preparation of the 2008 Presidential election. Ironically enough, this part of the machine seems to be breaking down.

The book questions Hillary as perhaps being a hidden lesbian because of her attending an all female college. It also says that Chelsea was conceived on an alleged night that Bill raped Hillary. The book is a pure piece of lies and trash that even has Republicans crying foul.

While I have not yet read the book, I have read numerous reviews of it and seen countless reports about it.

Maybe it’s a secret fantasy of girl-on-girl action that makes Ed Klein obsess about Sen. Hillary Clinton’s supposed lesbian ethos in his new book “The Truth About Hillary.” It’s hard to know what else he has to draw on. Yelling “lesbian” at powerful heterosexual women has always been the pathetic projection of the menaced male, but it’s especially baffling in Klein’s case.

That is how the Washington Post’s own Tina Brown started her review of the book which appear in the June 23 issue.

These are dark days for the conservative activists who despise Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, and they’re itching to brighten their mood by taking her down.

That’s per Dick Polman of Knight Ridder Newspapers. His article appeared on June 20

There are numerous articles out there, and I only picked a couple. I spent approximately one hour reading different reviews online, which is probably more research time than Ed Klein did for this entire piece of trash.

With hate comments coming out of Presidential advisor Karl Rove’s mouth this week, it seems that he may have had a hand or at least given a push in order to get this book out. It is amazing that a writer like Ed Klein would throw himself on a grenade for the neo-cons. This grenade how ever seems to be backfiring and Mr. Klein is getting less and less troops surrounding him.

At the end of the day, I am sure we will see a second or third edition of this book come out in the future in which numerous items will change. He will correct himself because what damage could be done to Hillary would of already been done and he will have to regain his standing as a credible writer.

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