
The Dying Fight of the GOP


If you listen to the opposition as much as I do, then you must also notice a
substantial increase in smearing and hate propaganda they are trying to get out.
While some folks may here this and be afraid, I take it is a sign of good things
to come.

Bill O’Reilly used his time on the air the other night to talk about how
liberal media such as Air America is failing in the industry. Well in good old
O’Lielly fashion he got it wrong. As matter of fact liberal talk shows are a big
hit. They are such a hit that Clear Channel, owner of such shows as Rush
Limbaugh, this week announced they were purchasing Ed Schultz’s show. They even
said they see a rising trend in liberal radio and wanted to get in on it.

Now this is something that has the right-wing scared. People are starting to
think on their own and not be preached to by the right. Another piece of
evidence lies in the contributions that the DNC is getting. The Republicans say
that Howard Dean is failing at raising money, when in fact he has raised more
money that Terry McAullife did in the same time period in 2003 (can not count
2004 – that was a Presidential election year). Even more troubling to the right
is the fact that Dean is raising most of this money through individual
contributions. That’s right a vast majority of this funding is coming from
people like you and me donating less than $250 dollars.

That thought really scares the right. It not only reaffirms the recent
dipping polls, but it also makes them wonder how they can steal another
election. It’s easy to get one state to switch but if they need to get 3 or 4,
now that is a whole different game. But the Presidential elections are three
years away. So why the concern?

Well let’s not forget that Congressional elections are just a year away, and
it is really hard to throw a bunch of those. That’s right we are coming up on
the eve of a time when the right can once again start losing control of
Congress. That is something that scares the hell out of the right and especially
those members of the New American Century group that needed a strong hold in
order to change America into an empire.

The very legislation that this Congress has worked on proves that the right
is for business and not for the workers. Well WAKE THE HELL UP. There is a lot
more workers in America than there are business owners. Now you can’t help but
think that these corporations who have been pumping money into the Republican
party might realize they are funding a loosing battle. Why should they take all
their hard owned money and give it to some people that are on a sinking ship.
They also feel left out now because the DNC might take their donations but
aren’t willing to sell their souls for it.

So I predict that times will get better for the DNC, they seem to be already.
But I also predict that we are going to see an increase in personal attacks,
smearing and hate propaganda towards us. That’s alright because I realize you
are like that fish lying on the side of the lake. You are flopping around trying
to breathe because you know the certain doom that lies ahead. Just remember,
what fun is competition without an opponent? Well Mr. Republican – We are your
opponent and it is becoming one hell of a fight!!!!!

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