
Bill Frist Cares About Gun Manufacturers More Than He Cares For America


Apparently protecting the gun manufacturers from lawsuits
is more important than the safety of our troops in the eyes of Senate leader
Bill Frist. Frist put off the 491 billion dollar defense appropriations bill
until the fall so that what he considers “more pressing” legislation can be
brought to the floor and voted upon before the August recess. The bill brought
forward will protect the gun industry from lawsuits of victims if the gun was
used unlawfully.

This is yet another proof of how the Republicans care more
about big businesss than the do the American people. Even further, Republicans
apparently have no concern for our troops since they wish to delay the important
bill to work on one shielding the industry that is their biggest supporter.

Bill Frist is UNPATRIOTIC to say the least. This action
just makes me sick. I urge everyone to email him using this
form and ask him to
put his priorities back on the American People and not on the Gun industry.
After that head on over to
Crooks and Liars to view the video of the hearing

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