
Faux Truth Tour Update – The Iraq War Is Over!!!

With the assistance some of my friends over at Bill Maher’s forum gave me, I was able to find more information regarding the Truth Tour. This is big news. It should actually be an announcement made by the President some evening here. I think it should of been done already, but I guess he is waiting for the perfect time, but let me go ahead and tell you what has been reported back:

“It’s over—and we won”

Yup it seems the war in Iraq is over and we haven’t even heard about it. This is what is being reported on the Swift Report. Here let me share rest of the summation with you:

And boy have we found plenty of it here inside Baghdad’s exclusive Green Zone! While you all back at home are being fed nothing but negativity, we arrived here earlier this week to discover that the war is already over, and guess what? We won! My handsome colleague Buzz Patterson said it best: “The war is being won, if not already won, I think.”

I guess the troops will be home in a matter of weeks then.

Actually it is not shocking they would say that. Just today a car bomb went off just outside the “green zone”, killing 14. Now for those not familiar with the actual green zone, let me show you a satellite photo so you can see the area that it encompasses (got to love Google Earth).

In the New York Times on July 5, there was an article titled “U.S. Walls Off Its Corner of Baghdad, Annoying Some Neighbors”. This article described the huge fortified wall that the United States has built around what use to be Saddam’s main palace. One resident whose backyard is cut off by the giant wall had this to say in the article:

Other than that, the biggest nuisance Mr. Jabbar has faced is what he said were empty liquor bottles tossed over from the Green Zone onto his family’s cars.

Yup it does sound like some partying is going on back there( this article appeared on a day when we had four soldiers killed in Iraq per ICasualties). In the report from the Truth Tour, they described a day of partying and drinking inside of the Green Zone:

Don’t go looking for trouble

So while our pinko ‘colleagues’ spend their days practically looking for bad news to send home, we’ve been able to live it up and celebrate our victory in style: with a tall Fallujah Fizz (I’ve included a recipe so that you can try this one at home!) and an old-fashioned Green Zone pool party. But enough about what we’ve been up to, you want to know how I’m doing. Thanks to all of my readers and their great questions—keep ‘em coming!

I am really glad this band of conservative talk show hosts have gone to Iraq to bring back the truth. The liberal media has been painting such a bad picture of Iraq, and now we know the “truth”. In the 171599 square miles that make up Iraq, we find that the war is over and we have won it within 9 square miles of the entire country.

Perhaps these propoganda reporters would have been given a better Truth Tour if they would have traveled outside those heavily guarded and fortified walls. Incidentally the Swift Report entry that this was taken from was on July 14 (and while this report was being written, four other soldiers died from an IED attack). I would surely think if this was the picture perfect victory as they are painting it out to be then we would of seen or heard lots more reports by now, especially from Bill O’Reilly or Rush Limbaugh.

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