
Is Joe Wilson Lying?


This has to be one of the most ridiculous arguments
surrounding the entire Valerie Plame affair. Since Karl Rove surfaced as one of
the proven sources that leaked the CIA agent’s identity, I have heard this
argument brought up countless times by the right. The question really should be;
what benefit would Joe Wilson have by lying?

Joe Wilson served our country for 26 years and when he
found out our administration had bad intelligence regarding the one of the key
facts leading up to the war in Iraq, it was time to discredit him. Actually his
intelligence merited the truth; Iraq was not purchasing uranium from Niger. This
has been proven in other investigations.

So why would Joe Wilson lie? The argument could have been
made that he was doing it to try and help John Kerry win the Presidential
election. This didn’t work out though. Maybe he is trying for some big movie
deal or something along them lines – going after it for a monetary reward. I
doubt that.

The truth is Joe Wilson is telling the truth. He is not the
one on defense here. It is Karl Rove, Scooter Libby and the White House. It
reminds you of the rapist saying “she was asking for it”. That is now Roves
defense – Wilson was asking for it. We all know he wasn’t asking for anything.
He just wanted the truth to be heard about what he really found in Iraq.

Remember, when all this started we were already in the war
so his findings would not of made us just up and leave. He wanted the American
people to know how the administration was willing to “fix” the findings in order
to promote their war. This has also been proven by the Downing Street Memo.
While the content of the memo has been questioned, its authenticity has never
been challenged.

Joe Wilson is not lying. His wife has seen her career
destroyed by the most vindictive administration we have ever seen. Now he has to
go out and defend him and his wife because of the political smear machine that
is Karl Rove. That is the integrity that Bush was bringing to the White House.

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