
Jean Schmidt – The New Wicked Witch


I just finished watching a debate between Jean Schmidt and
Paul Hackett, the two running for the 2nd congressional seat of Ohio.
After seeing this, I really see the even darker, and more blinded side of the
Republican – Jean Schmidt.

Paul Hackett, who returned from Iraq this past spring, was
stationed in Fallujah helping to train Iraqi forces. As a Major in the Marines,
he has the inside perspective we need in Washington when it comes to this war.
He identified the problems facing the troops when it comes to training the
Iraqis and has suggestions on how to improve them.

Jean Schmidt on the other hand does not agree with her
opponent. She feels all Mr. Hackett is doing is parroting the Democrats points
of views on the war. She says this while continuously mimicking the President’s
address to the nation verbatim. She feels we are doing everything right and Iraq
is on course. Of course the fact that she attends the funerals of local fallen
soldiers makes her an expert on this matter, as she indirectly stated on
Hardball Friday Night (see the clip at
Crooks and Liars).

The most ironic part of the entire debate was on the issue
of social security. Paul Hackett sees a system that isn’t broken but rather
“bent”. He feels the biggest improvements would come in more responsibility of
our government not to use social security as a “slush fund”. He also stands firm
on the ground that the cap should be raised on social security since every
American has an obligation to its people.

Jean Schmidt offered the most ridiculous argument I have
ever heard in politics. She did agree with preventing the government from
tapping into social security, but she feels the cap should not be touched. Her
opinion is that if the cap is raised it would hurt the rich. She used an example
of doctors that could loose their practices if they had to pay into social
security. I guess the doctors she keeps company with are on the verge of
poverty, struggling to keep afloat. She proved to me and most of the greater
Cincinnati area that her true concern is not the majority of the people, but
lies within the upper class which is not a dominant make up of the Ohio second
congressional district.

I sent highlights of the debate to Crooks and Liars and
hopefully they will have it up soon so everyone can view it and see what I mean.

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