
New Polling System Installed

Today I have installed a new polling system. While I am thankful to Bravenet’s free polling system I have been using, I decided to use my own for better control and to make visits to my blog more enjoyable to everyone.

The new polling system offers a few benefits over the old one including:

The last question I had on the poll was “Do you feel the now infamous Downing Street Memo merits enough to call for a congressional inquiry into the Presidents actions leading up to the war in Iraq?”. This Poll ended with six votes all answering yes.

Please take time to answer my newest question regarding terror threats as I find it extremely valuable to know the opinion of my readers.

The polling system is now hosted off of my private server, so if for some reason it does not appear that most likely means my server is temporarily down for maintenance. The same applies to the Random Picture generator, Headlines System and DubYa Quote generator.

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