
The Hypocrite Congressman From Colorado


Rep. Tancredo (R-Co) told a Florida radio talk show that if terrorists would
use nuclear weapons against us, we would target their holy places such as Mecca.
Needless to say this story is gaining momentum and the words the Congressman
used can have serious repercussions against not only our homeland, but also our
soldiers abroad.

Last week a Chinese General made a statement that if we would go to war
against China in order to defend Taiwan, they could strike us with nuclear
weapons. Ironically this was the same kind of rhetoric used by the Congressman.
Now on July 14, 2005, the Congressman issued a

press release
regarding this
General’s comments:

Tancredo Slams Senior Chinese Official for Nuke Threat

Congressman Demands Apology, Repudiation of Threat from Chinese Government

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-CO) demanded an immediate
apology and unequivocal repudiation of Major General Zhu Chenghu’s nuclear
threat against the United States.

In an astonishing moment of candor, Zhu, a widely-published PRC defense
strategist and senior government official, told an assembly of foreign
reporters, “If the Americans draw their missiles and position-guided
ammunition on to the target zone on China’s territory, I think we will have to
respond with nuclear weapons.” Zhu went on to state that ‘China’s territory’
includes Taiwan, Chinese warships and aircraft.

Zhu refused to back down from his comments, elaborating with morbid detail:
“We . . . will prepare ourselves for the destruction of all of the cities east
of Xian. Of course the Americans will have to be prepared that hundreds . . .
of cities will be destroyed by the Chinese.”

Tancredo chided China’s communist government, noting that, “For a senior
government official to exhibit such tremendous stupidity by making such a
brazen threat is hardly characteristic of a modern nation – particularly one
planning to host the Olympic Games.”

Tancredo also warned the Chinese ambassador in a letter that such statements
shake the very foundation of the U.S.- China relationship, and could have dire
consequences for China, “As you know very well, the U.S. decision to recognize
Communist China in 1979 was predicated on the commitment of your country to
resolve its differences with Taiwan peacefully,” said Tancedo. “Mr. Zhu’s
statements, coming in the wake of a decision by your rubber-stamp ‘parliament’
to pass the so-called ‘anti-secession’ law – which explicitly authorized the
use of force against Taiwan – have made it increasingly clear that your
nation’s commitment to resolving this issue peacefully is insincere.”

“If China continues to walk down this destructive path, I believe that the
United States may be forced to revisit the decision to establish diplomatic
ties with your country in the first place.”

Tancredo concluded, “If there were ever a question of whether China’s bid to
take over Unocal would pass American review, it’s clear they’ve nuked that
opportunity now.”

This just goes to show you the level of hypocrisy the Republican politicians
will go to.

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