
Bush Takes Responsibility


Bush has accepted full responsibility for the governments failed response in
the days immediately following Katrina’s land fall. “To the extent the federal
government didn’t fully do its job right, I take responsibility,” Bush said in a
joint press conference with Iraq’s President this after noon.

Bush did reaffirm his desire to find out “what went right and what went

This is actually kind of a shocking position for the President to take. His
typical arrogance seems to be going by the way side as he faces the lowest
approval rating in his career, hovering just above Nixon’s approval at the time
he resigned.

This should make for a more interesting speech tonight as he takes this
responsibility in front of the nation. Myself, I am not to optimistic that it is
a much needed turn around into the way Bush is running the country. I think this
is more of a public relations “necessity” being initiated by his declining
approval rating and growing questions over the disaster.


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