
Bush Won't Help – Time For The People To Defend Their Own Nation!

Jerry Springer just reported that Carnival Cruise lines has
3 ships ready to set sail to New Orleans to aide and house those displaced from
the hurricane. FEMA will not let them.

I been talking to a friend of mine in the UK who says there
are 2 jumbo jets filled with supplies and crews to help. They have been sitting
there for 18 hours and we won’t let them come in.

Canada has rescue teams and supplies waiting to come in and
help. We won’t allow it.

This is a total state of anarchy on a national level. Our
President has shown the worse level of incompetence and he has failed miserably.

I believe in a need for law and order. Having said that, it
is time for the people of this country to develop their own law and order. We as
American’s must help out those who are put out by this disaster. If anyone can
go down there and help or donate, they must go. FEMA is not handling this
situation and it is better for any able body to go in and help on their own.
Once people are rescued and we get to the rebuilding process, then it is time
for our representatives to send Bush out of the White House.

As Bush would say “we are living in a post 9/11 world”. If
this was a terrorist attack would we be seeing this kind of half-assed response?

Yesterday they halted rescue missions because of a report
of gun fire. If we can not help or rescue because of that then we better leave
Iraq because there is gun fire and bombings 24/7 there.

President Bush you are the most incompetent joke to ever
occupy the White House and you have destroyed this great nation. Get the hell
out of the office and let someone come in who can oversee this disaster before
it gets worse!


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