
Destroying Iraq

An interesting story has been developing in Iraq over the
past couple days, and its one that does not seem to be gaining attention here in
the United States. With the Katrina recovery and Rita steaming forward as a
category 4 hurricane, it should be no shock as this information really shows a
state of anarchy that Iraq is now turning into.

As reported by the

, Basra turned into a bloody bath after a British soldier
allegedly killed an Iraqi police officer. The soldier and his accomplice were
being held in a Basra jail awaiting their trial.

A couple nights ago, British troops mounted a daring smash
and grab rescue to free the two soldiers. Using helicopters and up to 10 tanks,
the British forces smashed through the prison wall and freed their colleagues.
The rescue also allowed approximately 150 criminals to escape the prison.

Mohammed al-Waili, the provincial governor, condemned the
escape as “barbaric, savage and irresponsible”. This conflicts with the ministry
of defenses report of the release being “negotiated”.

Basra has been long termed one of the safer regions of the
embattled country. This action by British troops has turned the tables on the
level of safety there.

Today citizens of Basra took to the streets waving guns and
AK-47’s denouncing the hostile rescue of the soldiers. The
is reporting:

The demonstrators in Basra shouted “No to occupation!”
and carried banners condemning “British aggression and demanding the freed
soldiers be tried in an Iraqi court as “terrorists.”

Now clashes have erupted between British forces and Iraqi
police. These clashes have claimed the lives of five civilians so far.

As the turmoil escalates, it is certain to damper the
constitution vote even more. That vote is just a few short weeks away.

Else where in Iraq, insurgents are also still on the war
path detonating road side bombs around Baghdad. One incident injured two US
soldiers, a day after the death toll passed 1900.

As every day passes it seems like Iraq is falling more and
more into a state of civil war. While our press is not calling it that, some
overseas media outlets have already declared that the country is in fact in a
state of civil war.

With the violence escalating, the United States may be
forced to send in more troops and spend more money which is something the
American citizen is already showing concern about. The Pentagon is already said
to be considering extending tours in Iraq. The big question is going to lie in
where to get the extra money from needed to counter the escalated fighting. War
isn’t cheap – a lesson President Bush is now learning.


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