
Could Judith Have Another Source?

Yesterday after Judith Miller was released from prison, she made a statement
identifying Scooter Libby as her source. This ended speculation over her source
was, or did it?

Scooter Libby granted Judith Miller a waiver over a year ago to identify him
as her source. If she was allowed to name him, then why did she opt for jail?
Was it to become an icon for journalistic rights, or to become a hero in the
eyes of the administration?

The grand jury has been running very closed doors. We did not fully know
about Karl Rove until Matt Cooper testified. Once he did, he made statements
that Karl Rove and Scooter Libby both confirmed Plame’s identity to him. This
made his story more verifiable with having two sources, so speculation could
lead to Judith Miller also following the same sort of integrity in her

We now know without a shadow of a doubt that Scooter Libby was Miller’s
source, but could there have been more than one source? Considering Scooter
Libby released her over a year ago, perhaps she went to jail to protect another
source – one we don’t know about yet. This case should be wrapping up in the
next couple weeks and at this point nothing would be a shocker in it.

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