
Delay's Piss Poor Defense

Seems like Delay’s attorney is really grasping for straws. According to the
Associated Press, his arraignment was delay today pending a change of venue
motion filed by the defense. Why the change of venue? Well let me show you what
the AP reported on it.

In respectful tones, DeGuerin (Delay’s attorney) noted that Perkins (the
judge) had donated money to, a liberal organization that he said
has been “selling T-shirts with Mr. DeLay’s mug shot on it.”

“Let me just say I haven’t ever seen that T-shirt, number one. Number
two, I haven’t bought it. Number three, the last time I contributed to
MoveOn that I know of was prior to the November election last year, when
they were primarily helping Sen. Kerry,” responded the judge. denied it was selling any such shirts, and issued a statement
that said, “DeGuerin has either bad information or lied in court.”

See full article


I am a member of MoveOn and get emails
from them constantly about any products or special campaigns they are running. I
never received anything on these supposed shirts. It just seems more and more
that Delay and his defense team are trying to make this into a political show

MoveOn is of course the thorn in the side of Republicans. They love to boast
how Democrats are not organized yet they have one of the largest grass roots
organizations out there. Perhaps after this trial comes to an end MoveOn should
look into legal action against Delay and his Attorney for making such frivolous
allegations. Also consider the fact that Delay had his mugshot taken only about
18 hours before the arraignment. That destroys any credibility of DeGuerin’s

Delay and Deguerin now appear to be making a joke out of our legal system
which is a pretty sad tactic for a law maker and his attorney.


UPDATE – Cafe Press is selling these t-shirts and its not the actual mugshot. Cafe Press has been around since 1999 selling such items and is not affiliated with MoveOn. Think Progress has more including MoveOn’s response to this issue

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