
As Our Ally Parts Ways

John Bolton is met with even more opposition in the U.N. now. This time he
has lost support for the U.N. reform he has been pushing and the loss this time
is a big one – Great Britain. This from today’s


Britain has angered John Bolton, America’s combative ambassador to the
United Nations, by breaking ranks with him over the need for reform.

The rare public disagreement between the two close allies comes as the
showdown over reforms at the UN’s New York headquarters becomes increasingly

Britain has rebuffed a Bolton move to join him in refusing to pass the
organisation’s 2006 budget until member states approve wide-ranging
management reforms.

To the irritation of Mr Bolton, many developing nations are bitterly
opposed to changes that they claim are driven by American political
pressure. He suggested last week that talks on the 2006 and 2007 budgets
could be postponed as a means to overcome the trenchant resistance from the
“G77” bloc of developing countries. He also threatened that the United
States could seek an alternative to the UN for solving international
problems in future.

Article continues


This of course is not the only strain right now from our number one war ally.
The memo last week that was released in a British newspaper which said Bush
wanted to bomb al Jazeera has sparked a controversial fire storm. The memo lead
to a gag order by the British Attorney General and has since sparked even more
outrage, some coming from Parliament.

Boris Johnson
is a conservative member of Parliament and he is demanding the
memo be released and the truth come out:

The Attorney General’s ban is ridiculous, untenable, and redolent of
guilt. I do not like people to break the Official Secrets Act … we now
have allegations of such severity, against the US President and his motives,
that we need to clear them up. If someone passes me the document within the
next few days I will be very happy to publish it in The Spectator, and risk
a jail sentence. .. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. If we suppress the
truth, we forget what we are fighting for

I’ll go to jail to print the truth about Bush and al-Jazeera

It must be said that subsequent events have not made life easy for those
of us who were so optimistic as to support the war in Iraq. There were those
who believed the Government’s rubbish about Saddam’s Weapons of Mass
Destruction. Then the WMD made their historic no-show.

Some of us were so innocent as to suppose that the Pentagon had a
well-thought-out plan for the removal of the dictator and the introduction
of peace. Then we had the insurgency, in which tens of thousands have died.

Read his full article


A politician risking jail to get the truth out! That is something we do not
see here in the states. Usually they risk jail to protect a lie (ie. Scooter

Bush and his merry pack of cronies is working around the clock to isolate us
from the rest of the world. His idea of diplomacy is they follow him or are
against him. That is the worst example of diplomacy in modern history.

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