
HASTERT: Our Troops Only Get 1 Hour of our Time

The Republicans are pulling a strictly political stunt tonight in order to
try and insult the Democrats. At approximately 7:00 tonight, they will be
holding a vote on a plan to pull troops out of Iraq. The full resolution, which
can be viewed at Raw Story, is very simple compared to that offered by Rep.


Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the deployment
of United States forces in Iraq be terminated immediately.

That it is the sense of the House of Representatives that the deployment of United States forces in Iraq be terminated

This Republican resolution does not call for the phased pull out over six
months nor does it allow for a security force to be stationed in the region
should Iraq need help. Instead, the Republicans are forcing a pure cut and run
resolution vote so that if Democrats vote against it then they can use it is
political ammunition,

It is sad who this has transpired. The Iraq war is a serious debate that
should be taken up by Congress. The Murtha plan was authored by a former marine
with an excellent service record. Furthermore, it was authored only after he
returned from Iraq and saw first hand what was happening there.

Republicans continue to make assertions that the Democrats do not have plans
yet now that a plan is on the table, Republican’s answer by this charade. This
resolution will have a limit of one hour of debate. That is all Dennis Hastert
is willing to give to our country, our soldiers and the people of Iraq – one
hour. Dennis Hastert is also a chickenhawk who chose not to put the uniform on
and defend this country but instead wants to attack those who did.

This is a full blown stunt being conducted by the Republican leadership in
the House. If by some miracle this resolution did pass you can be certain that
they would go to other extremes to block it.

Well, I for one am not going to fall for their scam. Our soldiers are
fighting and dying for this cause. They at least deserve more than one hour of
debate from our Congress. Perhaps Al Jazeera will play that and let the Arab
world know how little the Republican Leadership does care about the mission.

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