
One Of The Sexiest Men?

No – definatley not me unless the people picking the names are over weight older gals drunk off of Jaggermeister

CNN did a special segment tonight on the annual Sexiest Men in People
magazine. Listening to it, you hear mostly names you would expect – Matthew
Mcconaughey, Anderson Cooper, Viggo Mortensen, etc. Suddenly I heard a
name I would never expect to hear in such a segment. It’s a name that is not
uncommon to hear now a days, as matter of fact it is a very common name. He is
on the news constantly and now he has a little extra glimmer by being included
in People’s sexiest men category. That person is none other than:

Patrick Fitzgerald. They even referred to him as the “very special

This has got me wondering now how long before the right wing starts on a
liberal media smear campaign over this. You can almost guarantee yourself that
Bill O’Reilly and Ann Coulter will jump all over this. It should provide some
interesting side bars to the rather serious issues that emerge in our news

Personally I think Patrick Fitzgerald looks like a younger (or hairier) Larry
Miller. This of course is not an insult as I am a fan of Larry Miller and really
enjoy his views on politics.

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