
Bush's Twisted Speech Exposed

Bush made a big lie yesterday about progress in Iraq. This should come as no
shock but still merits attention.
has the details on it.

The progress of the Iraqi forces is especially clear when the recent
anti-terrorist operations in Tal Afar are compared with last year’s assault
in Fallujah. In Fallujah, the assault was led by nine coalition battalions
made up primarily of United States Marines and Army — with six Iraqi
battalions supporting them…This year in Tal Afar, it was a very different
story. The assault was primarily led by Iraqi security forces — 11 Iraqi
battalions, backed by five coalition battalions providing support.

An embedded Time Magazine reporter who covered this assault from beginning to
end said that it was an American led attack. Visit
for the details and video of Anderson Cooper brining this up to
Senator John Warner then
Crooks and Liars
who has a video of Cooper discussing this with Rep. Jack Murtha..

Murtha told Cooper he believes people are giving the President the wrong
facts. Something about this stinks of Rove. It is similar to his favorite tactic
of “push polling”. Distort the facts to sell the cause. In other words it is the
most vile form of politicizing the war.

Further proof lies in an excellent entry at
Daily Kos by
. Seems when Bush was talking about fallen Marine Corporal Jeffery
Starr, he left out some other key facts. Again Bush takes to heart the lives of
fallen soldiers as his own to use for his sick and twisted political gain. No
wonder why he was to much of a coward to actually go to Vietnam.

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