
Charge O'Reilly With Treason

Bill O’Reilly is on the war path again. This time attacking the left for heckling Ann Coulter at a speech she was giving at the University of Connecticut. He is considering the far-left as Nazi’s now because of it (See video at Crooks and Liars).

Perhaps Propoganda Bill should look back at some recent history. How about on October 11, 2004 at Arizona State University when Michael Moore has heckled by the right during a speech:

Small groups in the crowd constantly heckled Moore during his speech, and he took it lightheartedly at first, using it as an opportunity to sarcastically respond to their political views, until it became so disruptive he told them directly to stop.

O’Reilly said the right does not do this type of action but there is written proof and if he needs video proof he can always check out the movie ‘This Divided State“.

Don’t forget the heckling and ejection from a Las Vegas casino that Linda Ronstadt went through last year.

Aladdin President Bill Timmins ordered security guards to escort pop diva Linda Ronstadt off the property following a concert Saturday night during which she expressed support for controversial documentary filmmaker Michael Moore.

Timmins, who was among the almost 5,000 fans in the audience at the Aladdin Theatre for the Performing Arts, had Ronstadt escorted to her tour bus and her belongings from her hotel room sent to her. Timmins also sent word to Ronstadt that she was no longer welcome at the property for future performances, according Aladdin spokeswoman Tyri Squyres.


Near the close of her performance, Ronstadt dedicated the Eagles hit “Desperado” to Moore, producer of “Fahrenheit 9/11,” and the room erupted into equal parts boos and cheers.

She said Moore “is someone who cares about this country deeply and is trying to help.”

Ronstadt has been making the dedication at each of her engagements since she began a national tour earlier this summer, but it has never sparked such a reaction.

Hundreds of angry fans streamed from the theater as Ronstadt sang. Some of them reportedly defaced posters of her in the lobby, writing comments and tossing drinks on her pictures.

View complete article here.

There is also the constant reminder of these right-wing “Nazis” (as Bill would call them) at abortion clinics all over the country. Abortion is legal in this country and has been upheld by the United States Supreme Court. That does not stop these idiots from going out day in and day out protesting and trying to stop women from going in and getting an abortion. The extremists go as far as to bomb the abortion clinics. Can anyone remember when a left wing group has bombed a place in this country to stop something?

Perhaps the most compelling evidence against O’Reilly’s claim lies in a new term that was coined in 2001. That term is “Dixie Chicked”. The Dixie Chicks took on new levels of heckling, protesting and boycotting when they spoke out against George Bush. It caused them to loose income due to radio station boycotts and concerts being cancelled. I guarantee you that Coulter didn’t loose any income over her episode the other night. As matter of fact she probably will end up making money off of it.

Here is something for O’Reilly to chew on. “They hate us for our freedoms”. We were constantly reminded of that when Bush spoke of al Qaeda after the September 11th attacks. Last I checked our Constitution gives us a freedom of speech. Since Bill O’Reilly seems to want to hinder that right then he is attacking our freedoms. That would seem to aide al Qaeda in their war against us. Now there is another term that comes to mind with Bill helping out our enemies. That word – TREASON.

Now I am not saying to go out and hang O’Reilly or even charge him with treason. I am just proving that semantics can be easily employed in this situation. Watch Fox news and you can get an easy reminder of it whenever they claim “fair and balanced”. Fair and balanced would of shown the heckling Coulter received AND the heckling others have received in the past who spoke against the President.

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