
Coulter and O'Reilly – A Bad Day For Both.

This is to good to pass up. Its not a pie in the face but it seems like these
students have a grip on reality and what it is Coulter really says:

STORRS, Conn. — Conservative columnist Ann Coulter gave up trying to
finish a speech at the University of Connecticut on Wednesday night when
boos and jeers from the audience became overwhelming.

Coulter cut off the talk after 15 minutes and instead held a half-hour
question-and-answer session.

“I love to engage in repartee with people who are stupider than I am,”
Coulter told the 2,600 people at Jorgensen Auditorium.

Coulter’s appearance prompted protests from several groups, including
Students Against Hate and the Puerto Rican/Latin American Cultural Center.
They criticized her for spreading a message of hate and intolerance.

Nearly 100 students gathered inside the Student Union for a rally against
Coulter. About a half-dozen people held protest signs outside the


During the question-and-answer session, someone asked Coulter if she
really was against a woman’s right to vote.

“Not having women vote is a joke,” she said, reversing comments she has
previously made.

Eric Knudsen, a 19-year-old sophomore journalism and social welfare major
at UConn, didn’t attend the speech.

“We encourage diverse opinion at UConn, but this is blatant hate speech,”
said Knudsen, head of Students Against Hate.

Kareem Mohni, a 20-year-old junior and a member of a campus Republicans
group, said he was disgusted with the Jorgensen crowd.

“It really appalled me that we’re not able to come together as a group
and listen to a different view in a respectful environment,” he said.

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This is a double header today for right-wing pundits getting hit hard. Jon
Stewart took O’Reilly to the mat tonight when he exposed another one of
O’Reilly’s lies. Check out this
entry at Crooks
and Liars
for more details on that one.

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