
FOX Supports White Supremecy

While talking about FOX news, a new story has emerged. This one is more
troubling than John Gibson and his violent outbursts. Perhaps this story also
offers insight into why so many right wingers turn to FOX news.


Raw Story

A South Carolina Fox News affiliate ran a story appearing to cheer a
white supremacist website — and the leader of the group says that Fox News
staff are members of his white supremacy forum, RAW STORY can reveal.

Advertisement The story was picked up by Jesus’ General Dec. 18. Fox
apparently aired a video news segment which was also pulled; RAW STORY has
not seen the video. The Fox affiliate is owned by Meredith Corporation.

The story, which profiled white supremacist website, ran
on Fox Carolina’s WHNS website in late November. It is still available in
Google’s cache.

“It’s a web site with everything from dating advice and homemaking
threads, to discussion boards that focus on news that white activists want
to know,” the unattributed Fox News author wrote. “ is a web
site founded on the belief that the white race is a dying race.”

Wrote Fox Carolina, “one member says, ‘we really are just white folks
that deeply care about preserving a future for our progeny.’

Article continues


So Fox news supports and are members of a forum that promotes hate of
different races. That is truly troubling and should also echo through the hearts
of Americans when they think back to Katrina and the entire race debate.

I wonder how this news will help out FOX with their defense in the lawsuit
filed against them and their vice-president, Joe Chillemi. You can read about

As usual,

Jesus General
has a great look into this case as he is the one who first
broke it:

Paul Karpowicz President, Meredith Broadcasting Group

Dear Mr. Karpowicz,

I want to be the first to congratulate you for what I assume was your
decision to embrace white supremacy as an editorial perspective. Your first
effort, a WHNS “Fox Carolina” piece (Commenter Dayv made a screencap before
Fox Carolina removed the story) on, was fantastic. It
certainly convinced me that Stormfront is as mainstream as Young Americans
for Freedom, the College Republicans, or GOPUSA.

Read his great letter in its entirety


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