
It's a Beautiful Thing

That is the cover of the latest issue of The Nation and what a beautiful
cover it is. The “I” word is gaining momentum from all corners. People are
talking about it, the media is talking about, the left has been talking about it
and now even the right is starting to use it. Here is a short run down of the
growth spurt the “I” word has scene lately:

Arlen Specter
drop’s the “I” bomb on This Week Sunday morning. He tries to rescue himself by
saying the normal price now is to pay a political price instead but the last
President we had still had to go through impeachment hearings.

Zogby has a new poll
out that shows 52% of Americans support impeachment if the President did tap
without warrants.

Bill O’Reilly was
to discuss the issue on his talk show yesterday

These are just a few recent examples and the best part is these all occurred
after the cover story
for the Nation’s latest issue
was published. Remember, even after it became
obvious Clinton lied under Oath, only 30% of Americans wanted him impeached. The
jury is still out on Bush’s wiretapping and already the support for impeachment
has nearly doubled. Congress needs to listen to the people now because November
is not that far away.

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