
The Rush Is On


Politicans are now rushing to get rid of that “dirty money” they received
from Jack Abramoff.

WASHINGTON (CNN) — House Speaker Dennis Hastert became the latest
lawmaker to dump campaign contributions from clients of high-flying lobbyist
Jack Abramoff, giving about $70,000 to charity Tuesday.

The donation came after Abramoff pleaded guilty to corruption charges and
agreed to cooperate with a federal corruption investigation in Washington.

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Hastert isn’t the only one rushing to get rid of that tainted money. It goes
higher than that:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President George W. Bush’s re-election campaign
will give to charity several thousand dollars in contributions linked to
lobbyist Jack Abramoff, the White House said on Wednesday.

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Yes they all are now wanting to get rid of that money. Funny how they waited
until he plead guilty to make such a move. The Democrats who got money from
Abramoff gave theirs back over a month ago. Guess Hastert and Bush held onto a
belief that Abramoff was innocent.

All this money going to charities should be interesting. How much you want to
bet that the increased giving to charities will be signs the economy is doing so
well? We are certain to here something about this increase come next month.

Ironically the second article also makes an all to familiar claim when it
comes to Bush and Abramoff:

“The president does not know him and does not recall meeting him. It is
possible that he could have met him at a holiday reception or some other
widely attended event,” he [Scott McClellan] said

Wow haven’t we heard that line somewhere before? Seems like it has come up a
couple times. Perhaps when Dick Cheney made the same claim about John Edwards
during the 2004 campaign. But that turned out to be wrong! A picture quickly
surfaced of the two shaking hands from a few years earlier.

Cheney also made that same claim when it came to Joe Wilson. Funny how the
man who was vice-President during the first Gulf War didn’t know our ambassador
to the very country we were going to war with.

There must be something in the Republican creed to deny associations even if
it means lying about it.

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