
Be Afraid!


So Bush is back on the

lead by fear campaign.
This should come as no shock to anyone but the
details seem to have come to a shock for L.A.

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa said Thursday he was blindsided by President
Bush’s announcement of new details on a purported 2002 hijacking plot aimed
at a downtown skyscraper, and described communication with the White House
as “nonexistent.”

“I’m amazed that the president would make this (announcement) on national
TV and not inform us of these details through the appropriate channels,” the
mayor said in an interview with The Associated Press. “I don’t expect a call
from the president — but somebody.”

The mayor also suggested that some funding from the Iraq war could be
redirected to homeland security, including the protection of high-risk
targets in Los Angeles. He did not advocate an immediate withdrawal of

“I go to work every day knowing that we are a target,” the mayor said.

Full article


So we don’t tell cities if there is an attack possibly aimed at them? Much
like every other “threat” Bush says they have foiled, I suspect this is just the
same – a bunch more Bushit!

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