
Churches Being Investigated By The IRS

IRS exams found nearly three out of four churches, charities and other
civic groups suspected of having violated restraints on political activity
in the 2004 election actually did so, the agency said Friday.

Most of the examinations that have concluded found only a single,
isolated incidence of prohibited campaign activity.

In three cases, however, the IRS uncovered violations egregious enough to
recommend revoking the groups’ tax-exempt status.

The vast majority of charities and churches followed the law, but the
examinations found a “disturbing” amount of political intervention in the
2004 elections, IRS Commissioner Mark Everson said.

Article continues

Ok now – just brainstorming here. Since so many religious organizations are
now being investigated for this and the fact that their tax exempt status is
dependent upon them following the rules then perhaps we should look at our
current tax codes. I have never been a fan of churches being tax exempt because
so many of them find ways to abuse that privilege. Easy solution – get rid of
the code that creates the problem. That should make some real sound changes in
churches and in politics.

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