
Hearing Update

Senator Feinstein has just asked Gonzalez to pinpoint what in FISA gives them
this authority. She said there are two provisions, one is the 15 days after a
declaration of war and the other is the 72 hour window, which was changed since
9/11 to allow that extra time. He reference section 109 which does not give this
authorization. Feinstein asked him to check it again and get back with her.

Senator Sessions has blamed the press for saying that the program has
conducted wide spread surveillance instead of being limited to international
calls. Gonzalez replied with “yes the program I am talking about today is
limited to international calls”. So is there another program out there that
listens in on domestic calls? By the response Gonzalez gave it seems as though
there is.

Apparently Session’s had someone checking blogs because he referenced back to
Washington and clarified that Washington authorized any means necessary to
obtain enemy communications. Of course he remained oblivious to the fact that
the Revolutionary war was a long time before we had the Bill of Rights or even a

They are breaking one hour for lunch.

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