
More About Dubai

What is truly amazing on this entire Dubai ports deal is the fact that some
of the people defending the deal are the same people who have painted the entire
Arab/Muslim world as being terrorists. If we are talking about torture, wire
tapping or racial profiling then it is fine to question all of them. When we are
talking about our vital ports then we should trust them.

For those who don’t believe Dubai is port of the more hardline Arab world,
has a little more proof to show that they are:

The parent company of a Dubai-based firm at the center of a political
storm in the US over the purchase of American ports participates in the Arab
boycott against Israel, The Jerusalem Post has learned.

Read the entire post

True there is also the fact that Dubai is trying to quiet or media from
talking about this issue. For those unfamiliar with what I am talking about,
well it seems Dubai is trying to get CNN’s Lou Dobbs to totally drop the
subject. You can view a video clip of that over at
Crooks and Liars.

As for the people trying to defend the deal by saying “they won’t be in
charge of security”, I have something else for you to consider. No they won’t be
in charge of security or unload/loading ships. What they will be privy too is
weaknesses in our ports (and there are a lot). It just takes one “company man”
to report back to their superiors about a security risk. They could do it just
trying to highlight a problem that needs fixed. Now if the person who hears the
complaint has ties to al Qaeda then we have a problem.

Yeah you might say it sounds like something out of the movies or 24 but
aren’t all the analogies that Cheney and Bush use the same? I keep thinking
about “We find out there’s a nuclear bomb in the country ready to detonate in 24
hours. We have a suspect in custody. Of course we should do anything necessary
to find out information”. That was the basic argument they used on torture.
Again, very Hollywood sounding.

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