
Ralph Reed Losing Support

It looks like Ralph Reeds past dealings with Abramoff are really taking a
toll on his run for lieutenant Governor in Georgia:

Twenty-one Republican state senators on Friday called for Ralph Reed to
withdraw from the contest for lieutenant governor, declaring that his ties
to Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff could jeopardize the re-election of
Gov. Sonny Perdue and the rest of the GOP ticket.

“For the good of the Republican Party, for the good of Georgia, we
encourage Ralph Reed to withdraw from this race,” stated the petition signed
by the senators, all of whom support Reed’s GOP rival, state Sen. Casey
Cagle of Gainesville.

Reed rejected the petition as a useless stunt, and expressed confidence
that his record and ideas would prevail.

Article continues

This could lead to some major finance problems for Reed. This is somewhat the
tone around the country though. Many Republicans seem to be disappointed with
the people running on their ticket yet they are limited with options. Another
example of this can be seen in Florida where Republicans have tried to get
others to run instead of Katherine Harris in the Senate race there.

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