
Bush And His Cowboy Talk

Bush is out in full force doing his cowboy talk against other countries:

“If the Iranians are trying to influence the outcome of the political process, or the outcome of the security situation there, we’re letting them know our displeasure,” Bush said. “Our call is for those in the neighborhood to allow Iraq to develop a democracy, and that includes our call to Iran as well as to Syria.”

So in the last week we have had harsh words with Syrian, Iran, China and North Korea. If Bush is looking to start world war 3, he is on the right course. Scary part is we are not able to handle world war 3 and doing this talk in our weakened state is putting more Americans at risk.

If we ignore all of Bush’s problems here at home. Forget about Katrina, wiretapping, the CIA leak, the Dubai ports deal, cooked intelligence, everything and just focused on his foreign policy and diplomacy then we should still have enough to impeach him. He is constantly putting America in harms way by his “tough talk” and lack of diplomacy.

Something Bush should consider is the fact that maybe Iraq is wanting the help of Iran and Syria. Polls over there show an overwhelming number of Iraqi’s and their parliament want us out now. Also a majority of Iraqi’s support attacks on our troops. This is alarming news and should be looked at carefully. That can lead one to believe more so that Iraq is looking to an ally in their neighbors to the west and east.

It is also scary when you think about the state of our military. Our troop levels are way down and what we do have is tied up in Iraq. Going to war with Iran is most likely enough to cause the United States to reinstate the draft.

Also, with the current state of our economy, can we really afford more conflicts? Not likely. We are already in our biggest trade deficit in history with China so pushing them is not really a good idea. Keep pissing off the entire Middle East and our economy will really take a hit when they either price gouge or stop selling oil to us.

These are all things that need to be considered when it comes to the Middle East. Remember – Bush said Iraq was going to be quick and easy. Three years later and we see how “quick and easy” it was. Provoking any more problems in a region he knows little about is going to create problems for generations to come.

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