
Crybaby Righties

During the 90s, we constantly read articles about Congress investigating the White House. The most infamous was the investigation of Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky. That was not the limit of investigations though. Questions got raised into who was on the Clinton’s Christmas card list, who was sending mail to the Clinton’s dog, Clinton getting a haircut in L.A. The list is none stop. When all was said and done, there were over 50 congressional investigations into the Clintons.

So why bring this up now? Clinton left office in 2001, it’s like rehashing old memories that don’t need rehashed. Well that is wrong. They do need rehashing and here is why.

I was spending part of my day reading what the right had to say in their own corner of the blogosphere. After browsing a few sites, I came to Michele Malkin’s blog and her take on the arrest of Claude Allen this week.

As usual, Bush Derangement Syndrome is setting in on the Left and in the media. Gleeful minority conservative-bashing and hysterical accusations of a “cover-up” are already underway.

Of course Malkin is in full Bush defense mode. She is accepting his statement yesterday that he is “shocked and saddened” by the news of the arrest of his former aide. So why doesn’t the left follow Malkin’s lead and do the same?

Well, us on the left, are good at remembering. We remember things like “who ever thought the levees would fail” or “your doing a heckuva job Brownie”. The list goes on but the general message is simple. We know not to trust Bush.

The right waged a war on Bill Clinton in the 90s and made over use of his simple sentence “I did not have sexual relations with that woman”. Here we are a few short years later and it seems the right wants to ignore anything the President says or does.

The fact of the matter is the right has not challenged Bush on anything. Like I said, Clinton was investigated over 50 times by Congress. Bush has been investigated none. Since Bush has been in office, we have seen the arrest of a top aide, the arrest of another White House staffer, been lead into a war that looks never ending, and on and on and on. The right puts their “loyalty” before anything else. They do not care about the state of this nation as long as they are in control.

What also totally blows my mind is how the right will still bring up Clinton getting a blow job. You know what you freaks on the right – if a blow job is worse then over 2,300 soldiers dead then prepare for an eternity in your biblical hell.

What it all comes down to is that these little callous, wish washy, crybabies on the right need to grow up and accept responsibility, not just in themselves, but for their leader. If they do not like it then get the hell out of America. This country was founded on dissent and the very basis of our democracy depends on it. Perhaps these Bushies on the right will feel more comfortable living under someone like Saddam Hussein or any other dictator where dissent if not an option.

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