
Democrats Looking Good But They Need You

Earlier this week we heard that the Republicans were having problems finding their platform for this year’s election. Now something else they have been quick to point out about Democrats is that they fall short on fund raising when compared to the GOP. Well looks like that other tactic has now changed:

The Republican committee that handles Senate campaigns picked up the pace in fundraising in February but still trails its rival Democratic committee by almost a 2-to-1 margin.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee raised $5.5 million in February, while the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee raised $3.8 million.

Democrats still hold a big advantage on money in the bank with $27.4 million, while Republicans have $14.5 million.

“We had a huge January and February. Where we’re seeing progress is new money through small donors in the direct mail program,” said Brian Nick, an NRSC spokesman.

There you have it. The Democrats are actually leading the Republicans 2-1 in Senate fund raising. If you consider everything the Republicans are not falling short on, the Democrats are looking real good this fall.

There is one last obstacle though, and this is one that all of us can help out on. That is getting people out to vote. It might seem like something that is not worth the effort, but this is going to be a close election year and every vote will be needed.

A great way to get involved and become better informed on your candidates is through fund-raisers. Numerous candidates do such things as spaghetti luncheons or lasagna dinners. The cost is usually 15 or 20 bucks and well worth it. The food might not be that great, but as the old saying goes – “knowledge is priceless”. At these events you gain a great deal of knowledge on the candidates and even get time to ask them your own questions. In the end, the event also helps send that person to Washington and the cost is minimal on your part.

After the event, you can put that knowledge you obtained to great use. That is your arsenal when it comes to gaining votes for the candidate. Take that information and start putting it to use. When you talk to family or friends and as soon as you get the slightest opening then use it to describe the experience at the fund raiser. That makes it sound like your not just jumping into pitch a campaign but rather sharing a memorable event. Be positive and tell the people the strong points of the candidate and how they are the better choice over the opposition. If you are able to get one person to turn out and vote for that candidate then you have done a great job.

We of course are sitting here in a darkened state about our elections because of so much voter fraud that has occurred in the past six years. We can not let that be a discouragement, instead it must be our method of encouragement. It is easier to mess with a couple hundred votes than it is to mess with a couple thousand. This is our chance to take back our democracy and really show the system that we control it and not the other way around.

One final thing. If you have any family or friends that are seniors, this is their season. In mid-term elections, the seniors comprise 30-35% of the vote total. This year we have the added advantage given to us by the Republicans. That advantage is the disaster called Medicare. This has turned a lot of seniors against the GOP and now is the time to get them to vote.

If you know someone that wants to vote but can not get out to do so then you have one of two options. The first is getting them an absentee ballot. To do that, contact your local election board or your local Democrat headquarters. The second option is the best. On Election Day, offer them a ride. Numerous seniors are confined to their homes and enjoy a chance to get out. This also gives you a chance to do some good and make sure that this vital vote gets cast.

In closing, and this is it before I get off my soap box. Now if you really want to get involved then check with your local party headquarters. Generally they have a monthly meeting that can provide you with a wealth of knowledge. They also need people to help out. This is your opportunity to really do some good. It also gives you a louder voice when talking to candidates.

We have a little over seven months before we elect our next Congress. I know this probably sounded like a bunch of cheerleading, but it was not (ok maybe in part). This does actually work. I have seen it work in my 20 years of being involved in politics and campaigns. If we want to make a change this fall we all got to do our part. Also, if you go to a fund-raiser or meet a candidate for federal office and would like to write about them then please contact me at href=”” mce_href=””> I will be more than happy to publish your article on here so more people can see it. We got a lot of work ahead of us but if everyone pitches in then it will be the most rewarding work we could do.

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