
Even More Polling Data


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With all the talk of polling today, there seems to be one polling company that has been overlooked. That is Rasmussen. I decided to take a look and see what the right wing polling company has to say about Bush’s approval right now. Their result is what you see to the left. That is shocking going to their homepage and seeing that number, especially when you consider that during Katrina Rasmussen had Bush at a 49% approval rating.

Rasmussen is the only polling company to base their approval ratings on a four response question. They then combine the responses to give their approval/disapproval rating. Here is the response totals of all their questions:

That’s pretty shocking. Rasmussen of course is the only polling company that gives four responses to choose from on an approval rating then combines them for the final approve/disapprove rating. Just a little reminder – during Katrina, Ramusssen gave Bush a 49% approval. Here is the graphic on their from on Bush over the past several months. These numbers are based upon Gallup results.

Can we all say “weeeeeee”. This is one hell of a downward slide. To add insult to injury, during the Monica Lewinsky scandal, Clinton remained in the mid to upper 60’s for approval ratings.

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