
Parental Notification Not Working

The New York Times reported today that a “scant” drop in abortions are seen in states where parental notification are required.

This is something that people should really take notice on. Now that more states are pushing for legislation that could make it to the Supreme Court and try to get Roe overturned, a study like this becomes that much more important. One thing I think of is drug use. While drugs are illegal in the United States, people still use them. As matter of fact their use is more dangerous because the drugs aren’t regulated.

Abortion will be the same way. You can overturn Roe and all we will see is an increase in back ally abortions and that will even lead to higher health care costs as people suffer the side effects from those butcher tactics.

Hopefully people will notice the study done by the NYT and use is for the valuable weapon it is when fighting for pro-choice rights.

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