
RNC To Democrats – Your Welcome

This is priceless:

Republican pollster Jan van Lohuizen, in a memo written for RNC chairman Ken Mehlman, warns that if members of Congress try to drive a wedge between themselves and Pres. Bush, it’d be akin to adding weight to an anchor. GOpers are “W Brand Republicans” whether they like it or not. And van Louhizen, who has polled (often secretly) for the Bush White House under the RNC aegis for years, is worried about low turnout.

Time Magazine first reported on the memo this weekend, but the full text is below.

You can read the memo here. Now we must start hoping the Republicans give in to this blackmailing and continue down the path of Bush following. This will provide a great asset to the Democrats this fall. As Newt Gingrich said – that the best campaign slogan for Democrats today could be boiled down to just two words: “Had enough?” Simple Answer – YES. Complex answer – HELL YES!

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