
ACTION ALERT: Request Fitzgerald Gets More Powers

Writing on behalf of his One America political action committee, former Democratic vice presidential candidate John Edwards sent an email Saturday seeking signatories in an effort to expand the powers of Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald to investigate President Bush’s role in the strategic leaking of information related to Iraq.

In the form letter on Edwards’ site, he writes, “I urge you to extend Mr. Fitzgerald’s charter to include the behavior of the President in this disgraceful affair.”

The letter to supporters, while unlikely to influence the investigation, signals that Edwards continues to remain active on the political scene, and could indicate an effort to advance a 2008 presidential run.

Via Raw Story.

If Edwards is doing this to position himself for a run in 2008 or not is not at issue here. Edwards has come up with a very good plan – let the man who is already knee deep in investigating the Iraqi intelligence failure investigate it even further. We know for a fact Bush manipulated and/or ignored intelligence that would have kept us from going to war. It is time he be investigated and put on trial for it. You can sign Edwards letter here. I have also added it to the Get Active section on the left.

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