
CSM Explains The Carroll Video


Here is a little update on my story yesterday regarding the right being pissed Jill Carroll is free. First off I do have to compliment Michelle Malkin on this. When it the right started blasting her for the videotape she made, Michelle actually did give this piece of advice:

In fairness to Carroll, a lot of people would say a lot of things they didn’t mean in those circumstances. Let’s see whether she defends it now. Assuming, that is, that anyone in the media bothers to ask her.

Of course instead of taking the advice other bloggers on the right still kept up the attacks. The popular right wing blog Little Green Footballs was one of the first to jump on this bandwagon of blaming Jill. Here is what they had to say about her video:

Note that even after her release, Carroll maintained that she had been treated well by her captors—so it would appear that this journalist for the Christian Science Monitor made these anti-American comments voluntarily.

Of course they also sound disappointed there is no Jill Carroll beheading video on the internet for their nightly enjoyment.

Now to fire back at them, the Christian Science Monitor has published an article regarding that video.

That video appeared Thursday on a jihadist website that carries videos of beheadings and attacks on American forces. In it, Carroll told her father she felt compelled to make statements strongly critical of President Bush and his policy in Iraq.

Her remarks are now making the rounds of the Internet, attracting heavy criticism from conservative bloggers and commentators.

In fact, Carroll did what many hostage experts and past captives would have urged her to do: Give the men who held the power of life and death over her what they wanted.

“You’ll pretty much say anything to stay alive because you expect people will understand these aren’t your words,” says Micah Garen, a journalist and author who was held captive by a Shiite militia in southern Iraq for 10 days in August 2004. “Words that are coerced are not worth dying over.”

Well said. She was under the control of people who have not hesitated to cut the heads off of people in the past. You can not sit here and tell me that these hate mongers on the right would not do the same if in Jill’s position. They would bow down and kiss the asses of their captures while burning the American flag if it was a choice between life and death.

I still have a problem understanding how the right can sit there and say this garbage yet they have no problem defending torture. Hell they could take this and turn it into a great defense for torture. “Look Jill Carroll cracked and said what they wanted to hear just from capture, imagine what some cutting and slicing would do”. Instead they jump on their attack of Carroll and her statement she made while in captivity.

Funny how these are the same people who sit from the comfort of their homes and make these attacks while supporting this war and have no intention of going over to Iraq to fight in the war or aide in the rebuilding. They are truly the chickenhawks of the rights and the biggest cowards to walk the face of this planet.

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