
Living In The 50's


Here is another show of how much our nation is moving back in time:

LINCOLN, Neb. – In a move decried by some as state-sponsored segregation, the Legislature voted Thursday to divide the Omaha school system into three districts — one mostly black, one predominantly white and one largely Hispanic.

Supporters, including the bill’s sponsor and the Legislature’s lone black senator, said the plan would give minorities control over their own school board and ensure that their children are not shortchanged in favor of white youngsters.

Republican Gov. Dave Heineman was expected to sign the measure into law.

Omaha Sen. Pat Bourne decried the bill, saying, “We will go down in history as one of the first states in 20 years to set race relations back.”

“History will not, and should not, judge us kindly,” said Sen. Gwen Howard of Omaha.

Even our new super conservative Supreme Court should quickly rule against this decision. If they don’t then it is time to look for a new country.

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