
Looking Like Snow In The White House

He will still be the mouthpiece of the administration, the only difference is he will now be in Scott McClellan’s office:

Sources close to the White House said Monday that Fox anchor Tony Snow is likely to accept the job as White House press secretary, succeeding Scott McClellan.

The sources said they expect him to announce his decision within the next few days.

A source familiar with the discussions said Monday that newly appointed Chief of Staff Josh Bolten asked Snow to make a decision by early this week.

Two sources familiar with the discussions said Bolten wanted to fill the post this week, as early as Tuesday.

Sources familiar with Snow’s deliberations said he has been focusing on family, finances and his health.

It will be really interesting to see how long old Tony can handle this job. True he does have a good resume for it. Working for Fox has given him some great practice at lying to the American people. I just wonder now if Tony will ask Storm Front to remove his piece. That could really cost the administration some minority votes if it got out.

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