
Time For Turd Blossom To Worry

Every day seems to bring new stories of how Rove is closer to being indicted in the Plame case. Take this from today’s LA Times:

Special prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald is believed to be considering perjury or obstruction charges against Rove or charges that he offered misstatements to investigators.

A grand jury in the case indicted former White House aide I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby in October on perjury and obstruction of justice charges. Libby’s trial is to begin in January.

A source said that Fitzgerald is interested in matters that have arisen since Rove last appeared before the grand jury in October. Today’s appearance is believed to be Rove’s fifth before the grand jury.

Rove is believed to have headed off a possible indictment last fall after his attorney offered to Fitzgerald a new explanation for why Rove waited a year to tell investigators about a conversation he had with Time magazine correspondent Matt Cooper about Plame.

What is interesting is the main stream media is now reporting what we have known for months. We would read reports by people such as Jason Leopold and knew what was coming. The right would dismiss them as “left wing smears”. Well I hate to tell you right wingers (ok no I don’t) but this wasn’t smearing, it was reporting fact. It seems the left is taking pride in knowing what is going on in our country and won’t bow down to GOP talking points or Administration mouth pieces.

Funny how we are now unpatriotic to holding our leaders to a higher level of accountability. The Republicans sure didn’t have any problems going after Clinton and calling him a liar publicly. I guess our nation is 100% unpatriotic by Republican standards.

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