
Prime Time Bush Address Monday Night


The NSA wiretapping must really be bothering Bush, and now he is going to try to re-focus America on immigration:

Amid a clamor over illegal immigration, President George W. Bush will make his case for a comprehensive overhaul of U.S. immigration law on Monday night in a prime-time Oval Office address, the White House announced on Friday.

White House spokesman Tony Snow said the White House was asking the U.S. television networks to carry the speech live at 8 p.m (Midnight GMT).

Bush and many members of the Republican-led U.S. Congress are divided over how to address the issue of up to 12 million illegal immigrants working in the United States, with conservatives pressing for tougher border security.

Bush wants more border security along with a temporary guest-worker program for the illegal immigrants

Well this should be really interesting. He is not going to say anything we don’t already know, but he might be thinking that it will help divide America more on the issue.

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