
Tales Of A Third Grade Government


Yesterday we were hit with this story:

House leaders acknowledged Friday that FBI agents with a court-issued warrant can legally search a congressman’s office, but they said they want procedures established after agents with a court warrant took over a lawmaker’s office last week.

“I want to know exactly what would happen if there is a similar sort of thing” in the Senate, Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., said Friday, shortly after summoning Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to his office.

House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., concurred: “I am confident that in the next 45 days, the lawyers will figure out how to do it right.”

Gonzales was similarly optimistic. “We’ve been working hard already and we’ll continue to do so pursuant to the president’s order,” he told The Associated Press.

So after the noise all week about the “constitutional crisis” of the search, Hastert now says it is ok. But wait – he wants procedures put in place for future searches. I am sure he does. He wants a warning system in place so he can clear documents out of his office before they raid him.

Now what really gets interesting is to see how bad the cry babies of the Bush administration are:

Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, the F.B.I. director, Robert S. Mueller III, and senior officials and career prosecutors at the Justice Department told associates this week that they were prepared to quit if the White House directed them to relinquish evidence seized in a bitterly disputed search of a House member’s office, government officials said Friday.

Mr. Gonzales was joined in raising the possibility of resignation by the deputy attorney general, Paul J. McNulty, the officials said. Mr. Gonzales and Mr. McNulty told associates that they had an obligation to protect evidence in a criminal case and would be unwilling to carry out any White House order to return the material to Congress.

So in other words if the law is not interpreted the way Gonzales wants it then he will run away and quit like the some 3rd grader who gets in trouble in school. This is the top law man in the country and he is acting like a fucking eight year old!

Here is the problem. The Republicans have let corruption go on and on and on. No one can argue that because the evidence is in plain view. The House ethics committee has not been functioning for over 2 years and this is the fault of the House leadership and who is the leadership? Republicans. Now they are up to their necks in corruption and ethics cases.

Remember back to your school days how it was if the teacher had to leave the class room? She would be gone and all the kids started getting wild and do what they wanted because they had no supervision. Well this is the entire Republican party – acting like a bunch of unsupervised kids. What is worse is that when someone questions their actions they turn into those children even more. Kind of like “I am taking my ball and going home”.

Yes Jefferson is a Democrat but lets remember that it was a Democrat who called for an investigation into him. As matter of fact it was the Democratic leader in the House, Nancy Pelosi, who pushed for someone on her side of the aisle to be investigated. In other words the Democrats don’t want corruption in their party but the Republicans do what they can to cover it up in their party. Hell, they even go to the point to give them extra protection while being investigated. Just look at that first story I posted again.

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