
A Bit On Zarqawi

This statement by Bush this morning regarding the death of al Zarqawi is kind of odd:

President Bush said on Thursday the killing of al Qaeda’s leader in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, offers a chance to “turn the tide” in the war but he urged patience and predicted more violence to come.

So his death could be a good thing or a bad thing? I would have to say it should be more along the lines of things will be the same or get worse. We are dealing with people whose death is a heroic act and they are cast into martyrdom.

Another interesting thing about this bombing is the location. CNN was showing the rubble of the house but also said that it could be a nearby house that was “collateral damage”. So do we know if we killed any civilians in the bombing or not? In the wake of Haditha and other killings, that would tend to push things to become worse.

Following the news of the bombings, CNN was also quick to get the father of Nick Berg on and his statement was really interesting:

“I don’t think that Zarqawi is himself responsible for the killings of hundreds of thousands of people in Iraq,” Berg said in a combative television interview with the U.S. Fox News network. “I think George Bush is.

“George Bush is the one that invaded this country, George Bush is the one that destabilized it so that Zarqawi could get in, so that Zarqawi had a need to get in, to defend his region of the country from American invaders.”


“Yeah, like George Bush didn’t OK the torture and death and rape of people in the Abu Ghraib prison for which my son was killed in retaliation?” he told his Fox interviewers.

Interesting that in this article he is quoted from FOX. He said the same things on CNN and you could tell Solidad O’Brien was getting kind of upset with it. I am sure they blew a gasket over at FOX.

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