
Blog Picks

While surfing the web and blogosphere throughout the day, I come across some great blog enteries. To make it easier to share with the readers of IntoxiNatio, I have added a new feature called “Blog Picks”.

Blog Picks appears on the top of the main page with the news items. To view the blog picks, click the tab titled “Blog Picks”. Your browser will request the list from the server through the magic of Ajax and Javascript, which means you will not have to wait for the entire front page to reload. This feature works on all major browsers that are up to date.

If you come across a blog post that should be mentioned, then please email the link to me at

With this update, I also removed the “More IntoxiNation” button on the top menu bar and replaced it with a feeds button. This will take you to a page where you can add different sections of IntoxiNation to your favorite feed reader. Currently we have the Front Page, Hot News Items, Blog Picks and Videos that can be added to your newsreader. As always, you can add your favorite authore via their profile or posts.

Hope everyone enjoys and if there are any problems then please feel free to contact me.

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