
CoinGate Update

The Republican led Coin-Gate scandal here in Ohio is 14 months old and still growing:

The scandal that has gripped state government for 14 months broadened yesterday as two Cleveland-area investment brokers were indicted on charges that they conspired to bribe a high-ranking official of the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation in exchange for getting and keeping a piece of the bureau’s business.

Brokers Michael W. Lewis and Daniel P. O’Neil worked for three investment firms in the six years they gave Terrence Gasper, the bureau’s chief financial officer, use of an oceanfront condominium and a boat slip in the Florida Keys, according to the indictment unsealed yesterday in U.S. District Court.

This is a big reason that Ohio is looking to become blue this fall. The corruption in our state government has been colossal. Our governor, Bob Taft, was the first governor in the history of Ohio to be indicted while in office and questions are still going around regarding his involvement in coin-gate. On top of that, our state is home to Bob Ney, who is one of the focuses of the Abramoff investigation and questions regarding the authenticity of the 2004 election are still growing.

Now isn’t amazing that the state which ultimately gave Bush his second term, is now in so much trouble?

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