
Delay's Final Day

I just read Tom Delay’s farewell speech and now feel all misty. Aww the poor hammer – that victim of “the criminalization of politics”. How could they do that to him.

Ok back to reality. If you want to read his last attack on liberals as a member of Congress, you can do so here. Please do not read on a full stomach and if you do, I will not be held responsible for chunkys that may end up in your keyboard.

With all the news surrounding Zarqawi, many forgot it was his last day (we need a new national holiday – June 8th, Hammer Fall Day). Something interesting happened during his farewell speech on the House floor that hasn’t got much attention until now:

Most House Republicans attended the speech, applauding and giving him several ovations. Several dozen Democrats were present at the start of the speech, but most walked out during his attack on liberal ideology.

Now I wonder how quick until the right turns this into an attack on them by the Democrats. Tom Delay will not be missed and Congress is a little better without his corrupt hand stirring the post.

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