
Full War Returns To Afghanistan

Bush and his claims that the Taliban is no longer existent have really come back to bite him in the ass. Brian Ross gives us this doozey sure to get some hot debate going:

The United States military is quietly carrying out the largest military offensive in Afghanistan since U.S. troops invaded the country in 2001.

“The Taliban has made a comeback, and we have the next 90 days to crush them,” said a senior U.S. military official.

The offensive, “Operation Mountain Thrust,” involves almost 11,000 U.S. troops and is focused on four southern Afghanistan provinces.

The Taliban has re-emerged as the Afghan government “has created vacuums of power” says the official. Proceeds from the growing opium trade in the region has helped the Taliban obtain new weapons and pay local officials.

The Taliban leader, Mullah Omar, remains at large despite a $10 million reward offered by the United States. U.S. military officials believe he has established a safe haven in Pakistan, where U.S. soldiers cannot operate.

I think back to the pre-Iraq War days and remember the administration bragging how we can effectively fight two wars at the same time. I guess now they will chalk that up to another “lesson learned”, but the price in this lesson is to great. We have over 2,500 dead soldiers from the Iraq War and almost 300 in Afghanistan. Those numbers are sure to climb all because Bush was having his fun being a “war time President”. War crime President is more like it to me.

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