
Republican Absurdness

We have had a daily dose of Republican absurdness for the past couple days, but here are a couple that just really stand out to me.

First up is Senator Charles Grassley, who has now found a fight against prostitution and sex trades and a way to fight them:

Republican Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa is hoping to stamp out the sex trade by taxing pimps and prostitutes, then jailing them when they don’t pay.

The Senate Finance Committee is expected to vote Wednesday morning on the pimp tax. The bill also calls for more jail time for sex workers.

If passed, the provision will authorize at least $2 million toward the establishment of an office in the Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation unit to prosecute unlawful sex workers for violations of tax laws.

“Recent headlines have focused on sex trafficking in connection with the World Cup in Germany,” Grassley said. “This vile crime is under our noses in the United States, and it’s a no-brainer to have the IRS go after sex traffickers. Prosecuting these tax code violations can get these guys off the street and yank from their grasp the girls and women they exploit.”

Yes the IRS is the perfect police. Let them go after Pimp Daddy when he accidently makes an extra deduction on his schedule C. Of course the police in the towns with these problems have no idea where the criminals are, but the IRS sure does. But wait. It gets even better:

Grassley said the problem is “especially horrible” when underage girls are involved.

Yes IRS. You better get an that audit of Johnny’s House of Pedophilia. He may be making some bad deductions on his tax return.

Hopefully we will be able to stamp out prostitution once and for all with Grassley’s proposal. I mean people like this:

I hope your accountant is really good there Mr. Gannon.

Our next stop on Absurdness Lane today again is within the Senate, with our next star, Sen. Orrin Hatch.

Yesterday while the Senate was debating flag burning, Orin made sure everyone knew that America has priorities and there is nothing more important in our country than outlawing the burning of the flag:

On the Senate floor yesterday, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) said there was nothing the Senate could be doing that was more important than banning flag burning. Watch it:

You are so right sir. The Iraq war, economy, FEMA, poverty, health care, and everything else needs to be placed on the back burner. I just hope you don’t limit this action to flag burning, but make sure you incorporate anytime someone desecrates our flag. They should all be punished.

Criminals all of them and they all should be severely punished! (h/t AMERICABlog for the picture)

And finally, let’s head on down to the House where we Representative Ted Poe’s explanation for a recent decline in the number of immigrants coming over the Mexican border:

A Congressman took to the House floor yesterday insisting that illegal border crossings from Mexico have slowed due to fear of rape, robbery and beatings at the hands of U.S. National Guardsmen, RAW STORY has learned.

Representative Ted Poe (R-TX) began his one-minute statement by characterizing the US-Mexican border as a war zone. “Mister Speaker,” he began, “news from the front: The border war continues. Generalissimo Fox and the Mexican media have taken a setback in the illegal invasion of the United States.”

The deployment of the US national Guard to the Mexican border, according to Poe’s statements to the House, was actually little more than “a publicity stunt to appease Americans.”

Yes sir – that explains it all. Our military never would do anything wrong in Iraq, but get them here in the lawless United States and the kid gloves come off. Mr. Poe is purely insightful into America and what happens in it.

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