
Congressional Pity Party


AWWW Congress is now feeling like they haven’t done enough this year:

US lawmakers returning today from a weeklong break will resume work on a long list of unfinished — and possibly insurmountable — tasks that could help decide whether voters will reelect them in November.

Action or inaction on contentious issues including immigration, pensions, energy, and federal spending could determine whether the Congress sheds the impression that it has made few legislative achievements.

“I’m not sure what this Congress has accomplished,” said Dick Armey, the former House Republican leader who is now with FreedomWorks, which advocates lower taxes and less government.

Both Republicans and Democrats in the Senate and House have been staking out positions they hope will help them win control of Congress in the November midterm elections.

“Historically, this is certainly not a Congress that will be remembered,” said Larry Sabato, of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics. “There is just not much there.”

Poor guys shouldn’t be so hard on themselves. They have worked very hard. The problem is the only work they have done is to help the rich and big business. The after effects of that is a stronger gap between lower, middle and upper classes. It has also helped to destroy the American dream of this being a “land of opportunity”. So cheer up guys – you worked hard, especially the Republican leadership, who has worked tirelessly to destroy this country.

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